About me
The discovery of an inner creative urge usually starts with a journey of self-discovery. Our innermost thoughts seek out that captivating spark which holds us in thrall. Silvie Kořistková’s inner creativity finds expression in colour, shapes and structure. Her dreams are imprinted on canvas where they find permanent expression.
Silvie has been painting since childhood, but first entered the art world as a mature artist by showing her paintings to a wider audience in 2018. For the most part, her works are abstract, rather than figurative, which she perceives as a search for harmony and tranquility. In creating abstract paintings, time seems to stand still for Silvie, as though the space around her merges with her innermost self. Her abstract paintings are thus testimony to this silent exchange with the artists´s subconscious and therefore seem liberated and balanced with a tendency to holistic renewal.
A theme of a „woman“ in her artistic work is also a natural step in observing her surroundings. The series of the nudity paintings „In the Reflections of the Moon“ are devoted to those innermost feelings of passion and insecurity, stripped of their conventional veneer of pretence and manipulation. Body language does not lie. She decided therefore to create moments when we can think not just about the observed object, but also about ourselves. In the times when a lot can find erotic inspiration on the internet, Silvie offers an interesting confrontation. In her collection of paintings, fine curves are formed by a traditional impression of nude body, which one can observe since the Renaissance in artistic work of Michelangelo Buonarroti, who combined European artistic tradition and the Classical times through the Middle Ages till the Renaissance, or in „The Birth of Venus“, almost a dreamy expression of a woman body, painted by Sandro Boticelli. Silvie´s original view at this genre-painting just gives viewers an aesthetic experience.
A major success was Silvie´s work with musicians using metallic pigments.Brass instruments shine with genuine 24 carat gold applied to the structure and characters come to life by standing out from the canvas in 3D.
Silvie Kořistková has her gallery and art studio in Orlová and her works are represented in several solo and group exhibitions in the Czech Republic. By collaboration with well established organizations with a worldwide reputation such as Saatchi Art (NY), Singulart (London, Paris) and Artamjeur (Paris), her work gains international recognition and thereby the awareness of collectors both abroad and in the Czech Republic.
In 2022 she signed the contract with GALLERY STEINER VIENNA in Austria for sole representation on the international platform ARTSY.NET. In February 2023 Silvie exhibited her paintings at the GALLERY STEINER VIENNA, Austria. In 2023 she participated in the XXVth Annual PREMIO INTERNATIONALE D´ARTE in Italy where she was awarded by the international jury for her artistic work.
From 2023, she started cooperation with the companies which sell her works on online auctions.
2018: Authorship exhibition at the café Čauky Mňauky, Ostrava
2019: Authorship exhibition BEAUTY BODY CLINIC, Kosmická Street, Prague
2019: Authorship exhibition INNEX, Pařížská Street, Prague
2019 – 2021: Authorship selling exhibition at ALO KAFE, Ostravská Street, Frýdek – Místek
From 2019- so far: Permanent authorship selling exhibition at SKELET KAFE, 28. října Street, Ostrava
From 2019- 2023: Authorship selling exhibition at BE LOVELY, Na Příkopě Street, Prague
August 2021: International exhibition ART IN PRAGUE 2021 at the gallery U Zlatého Kohouta, Prague
September – October 2021: Authorship exhibition Galerie MonAmi, Slezské náměstí Street, Bílovec
3 – 31 Oct 2021: International Festival OPEN ART FEST, Exhibition area Prague – Holešovice
From 2021- 2023: Authorship selling exhibition PAM agency, s.r.o., Ostrava
From 2021- so far: Permanent authorship exhibion at U ZLATÉ KORUNY, Masarykovo náměstí, Ostrava
12 Dec – 7 Jan, 2022: Exhibition ART AMI, Galerie MonAmi, Bílovec
29 June – 22 Aug 2022: Group exhibition at GALERIE POD VĚŽÍ, Mladá Boleslav
7 July – 26 Aug 2022: Internation exhibition ART IN PRAGUE 2022 at the gallery U Zlatého Kohouta, Prague
22 Oct 2022: Authorship exhibition at the event FASHION STORM, Slezskoostravský hrad, Ostrava
11 Nov – 31 Dec 2022: Authorship exhibition at the gallery ŽIVOT, Krevní centrum FN OSTRAVA
25 Nov 2022: Exhibition of nudity paintings for the event BOHEMIAN TABOO ROADSHOW Palác Akropolis, Prague
Dec 2022: Authorship exhibition at SILVIA KOŘISTKOVA GALLERY, Orlová
6 Feb – 4 March 2023: Authorship exhibiton at GALLERY STEINER VIENNA, Vienna – AUSTRIA
6 April – 26 April 2023: Group exhibition of the 3 artists The 3 LIFES at TWINART GALLERY, Prague
2 June – 31 Aug 2023: Authorship exhibition at ZÁMEČEK PETROVICE U KARVINÉ
1 Sept – 31 Oct 2023: Authorship exhibition at GALERIE MORITZ, the Castle in Bílovec
7 – 22 Oct 2023: 25th Annual PREMIO INTERNATIONALE D´ARTE, San Crispin - ITALY
28 – 29 Oct 2023: International Festival OPEN ART FEST, Exhibition area Prague Holešovice
1 Nov – 2 Jan 2024: Authorship exhibition at ZÁMEČEK PETROVICE U KARVINÉ
5 Dec – 10 Jan 2024: Exhibition ART AMI, Galerie MonAmi, Bílovec
3 Jan – 31 Jan 2024: Authorship exhibition, Silvia Kořistková Gallery, Orlová
13 Jan – 30 Dec 2024: Prague Art Exhibition FIALOVÝ PŠTROS, Slovanský dům, Prague
24 Jan – 17 Feb 2024: Prague Art Meeting, Galerie Ambit, Prague
6 – 8 March 2024: Authorship exhibition, Hotel Crystal Mountain, Wisla - POLAND
2 – 30 April 2024: Exhibition DVA Coffe&Bar, Ostrava
18 – 31 May 2024: Authorship exhibition at ORIGINAL GALLERY, Semily
26 – 27 Oct 2024: OPEN ART FEST 2024, Exhibition area Prague Holešovice
4 - 8 Dec 2024: Miami Art Basel Red Dot Art Show, USA
Awarded by the International jury for artistic work – XXVth Annual PREMIO INTERNATIONALE D´ARTE, ITALY